CVE Gabinete

Since its foundation, the College has had its teams of psychologists with guidance and intervention functions where necessary.

Psychometry. From the moment the student takes the entrance exams until the end of their studies, we periodically carry out tests to measure their intellectual abilities that help to guide tutors and parents in the face of possible learning problems or the choice of study modalities.

  1. Direct attention to students with learning disabilities. Firstly, in Primary they collaborate in the diagnosis of problems and if these can be addressed at the school level, they intervene by reinforcing and helping each student in a personalized way. We have 5 specialized people, with the aim of covering different educational and emotional needs. They are distributed by levels offering personalized attention that is complemented by the form tutor.
  2. In Secondary, the group supervises the processes of curricular adaptation (in cases in which the student’s delay cannot be dealt with directly in the classroom) or in those of diversification, when the contents are adapted in the last phases of Secondary in order to make it easier for the student to pass the stage. Attention is given to personality or socialization problems.
  3. Presence and advice in the evaluation cloisters, in addition to helping in the review of operations in CVE. The group also analyses the evaluation of academic results.
  4. Relations with family members to find out the specific problems that may arise, helping families to solve the problems that they face, referral of cases that cannot be treated at school.
  5. Speech therapy.
  6. Student orientation, both with regards to the choice of electives, as in the modalities of Baccalaureate or in the choice of university studies.


No two students are alike, at school we come across this fact every day and we propose to respond by enriching diversity for all. Fusion is a project that arises from the school to enhance the aptitudes and abilities of students who stand out in some specific aspect of their school development.

Fusion is a program designed to work throughout the school year, from different areas such as literature, art, mathematics, music, and robotics, beyond their daily and academic application, and all this in a FUSED way. It is not a question of extra reinforcement in each specific area, what we want is to use the knowledge they already have to be able to explore beyond it.

The participating groups are heterogeneous, from 3rd grade to 6th grade, with the aim not only to learn from the different stages, but also to put into practice different social skills such as group management, active listening, initiative, participation, leadership, teamwork, and empathy.

Throughout the year different blocks are worked on, on a quarterly basis. Our different workshops are briefly explained below:

  1. Literarte: workshop where literature and art are worked. We also use theatrical techniques. Group development of stories and movies.
  2. M&M: workshop aimed at the joint application of music and mathematics. Creation and practice of educational Escape Rooms.
  3. Probot: workshop focused on robotics and technology.


In addition, in some sessions we have the collaboration of external experts who offer us theoretical and practical workshops to experiment with (creation of the first computer, origin of electricity or operation of magnets).

The objectives that we work on are the following:

  • Enhance the individual strengths of each student.
  • Increase motivation in the different areas of interest.
  • Encourage curiosity in unfamiliar areas.
  • Work creatively.
  • Foster the capacity for critical thinking and reflection.
  • Working together as a team.





We believe that generating a specific plan in the training of executive functions can be very enriching and a key element in providing students with the best tools to learn to function properly in the future. When we talk about executive functions, we refer to the set of complex cognitive processes that allow us to plan, guide and control our behaviour from the coordination of our actions, thoughts, and emotions, in this way we can respond to complex tasks and resolve conflicts that may arise in our day to day. The main executive functions to be addressed in the program are inhibitory control, working memory, planning, and cognitive flexibility.


Opening activities: These are activities aimed at temporal and spatial orientation and the organization of the school day.

Activities of transition and to attract attention: They are carried out after a busy activity, when we want to move on to another in which greater concentration is required. They serve to redirect attention to another task and lower the level of excitement.

Activities to create a group: They are designed to generate a feeling of belonging to the group.

Process training activities: They are aimed at training executive function directly (cognitive flexibility tasks, working memory, attention, planning and inhibitory control)

Training activities in strategies: They stimulate the acquisition and internalization of strategies for the improvement of executive functioning and reinforcement in academic activities.

Pretended game: Children learn through play; this is the best way for them to internalize the concepts we want to teach them. Through observation of the game, we are given clues about their development, their level of maturity, their motivations and their acquisition of knowledge. The intended game consists of planning a period of play according to a theme (family, professions …), it is carried out in a group with the aim of learning from the experiences shared with their peers. Throughout the course, different topics related to the concepts they are learning in class are presented.

  • Use classroom learning and strategies to develop students’ self-regulation and executive functions to promote successful learning.
  • Encourage autonomy in self-regulation and self-control that will allow them to handle themselves adequately in the basic activities of daily life, as well as for schoolwork.
  • Individualized learning, respecting the maturing process of each student and offering an achievable challenge according to the possibilities of each one.
  • Generate proficient students in the ability to succeed and treat failures as learning opportunities.
  • Favour the easing of problems or attention disorders.

The program is integrated into the curriculum serving all areas of education. It is a training of executive functions by repeated practice every day through small impacts throughout the day from tasks that generate interest and motivation. Many of the activities are designed for the children themselves to correct, practice, and share in a cooperative context.

  • MOUTH AND EAR: Work in pairs. One student has an image of an ear and another student has an image of a mouth. The one with the image of the mouth tells what he has done over the weekend and the one with the ear listens carefully. Attention, linguistic competence, working memory and inhibitory control are worked on.